We Offer Services for Mental Illness, Substance Use Disorders, and Developmental Disabilities
We understand that it is often challenging to take the first step in seeking services for mental illness or substance use disorders, and sometimes hard to locate services for persons with developmental disabilities. We will do everything we can to make this experience a positive one for you or your family member. Let us be a team member in your recovery journey.
We offer a discounted fee scale based on income and household size, and we do not deny services based on inability to pay.
Did you know?
Mental illness ranks second
(only behind cardiovascular disorders) in burden disease rankings.
Mental illness combined with substance use disorders is
one of the leading causes of worker disability.
1 in every 5
People will experience a diagnosable mental disorder in a year, but there is hope.
Our goal is simple – to support those with the most serious needs and the fewest available resources to meet those needs.
Services We Offer to Help During Your Journey
Mental Illness
Substance Use Disorders
Family & Children’s Services
Developmental Disabilities
Prevention Services
Community Awareness and Outreach
We offer community based programs centered on substance abuse prevention in Chambers, Lee, Russell, and Tallapoosa County. These programs aim to change community norms related to adolescent substance use as well as provide community based education on dangers and risks associated with drug use. Prevention services include community coalitions, youth advisory groups, school-based education, and outreach programs.